Low code system for odoo
Odoo is an excellent framework, but we still have a lot of work to do in real development, and user requirements are constantly changing, so we are often passive. So we've been working on that. So we developed this low-code platform to minimize unnecessary work.
Themes For Odoo
We has several theme to enhance your odoo application, you can download a three month free version to evacuate it. you also can download erevry month for free.

Develop Tools For Odoo
We write some tools to help user develop odoo, click the button learn more detail, and download a one month free version.you also can download ervery month for free.
Enigma Workflow For Odoo
In some scenarios, the business is relatively complex, but the state mechanism of odoo is relatively simple, and it takes a lot of work to meet complex requirements. Workflow can just solve this problem.

Form Editor And Page Desinger
Anita designer is part of our low code sytem, it is developed to support custom form and pages.
Advance List For Odoo
We alse has many other modules, visit the detail page for more information.